Welcome to Uvaparken’s motorhome parking

The parking lot have 10 plots, all with electricity. At the parking lot there is a service building with shower, toilets, disabled toilet and chemical disposal point for toilet waste tanks. Free WiFi is available.

Next to the service building, it is also possible to refill drinking water and an easily accessible emptying station for grey waste water.

The fee applies from 12:00 and 24 hours onwards. The plots cannot be pre-booked.

OFF-SEASON SEK 170 per night incl electricity
August 15 – June 15
PEAK SEASON SEK 200 per night incl electricity
June 16 – August 14

Payment is made via Swish or PayPal.

Pay to Swish number 123 449 19 65, or pay by card via PayPal, use the payment button on this page.
Enter your registration number in the message.

For cash payment call +46 70-297 65 35 or +46 73-052 92 25.

After payment, you will receive a message with the code for the service building.

  • Motorhome plots are available around to the dance floor area and electrical outlets are available.
  • Garbage is emptied in the green rubbish bin at the main building (Folkets hus).
  • Toilets and showers are in the service building, entrance through the door on the long side.
  • Toilet waste is emptied in the service building via the door on the gable.
  • Drainage option for grey water.

For more information call +46 73- 052 92 25 alt +46 70-297 65 35

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